
SciDAC Coordination Committee

The SciDAC Coordination Committee aims to coordinate interactions between the SciDAC-5 Institutes and the Partnerships, to assess emerging needs across SciDAC-5 projects and to serve as a junction point for SciDAC-5, ASCR facilities and the broader DOE computational science community. The Committee holds regular teleconferences that focus on emerging computational needs of a particular science community.


Role Person Institution
Chair and FASTMath Director Esmond Ng LBNL
RAPIDS Director Rob Ross ANL
BES Point-of-Contact Dominika Zgid U Mich
BER Point-of-Contact Sarat Sreepathi ORNL
FES Point-of-Contact David Hatch UT Austin
HEP Point-of-Contact Noemi Rocco FNAL
NE Point-of-Contact David Andersson LANL
NP Point-of-Contact Joe Carlson LANL

Last updated: 18 February 2025