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- Quantifying entanglement in the solid state using neutrons
- Advanced Simulations Reveal Orbital Structure of Cooper Pairs in High-Temperature Superconductors
- Enabling Portability and GPU Direct on DCA++
- A coherent theoretical description of Kitaev-candidate material α-RuCl3
- AI accelerates lattice quantum Monte Carlo simulations
- Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method Enables Computing High-Resolution Magnetic Excitation Spectra
- Advancing Materials Simulations on Summit via RAPIDS
- Emerging hole band spurs unconventional superconductivity
- PREX, CREX, and nuclear models: the plot thickens
- Alpha clusters in Carbon-12 from ab initio theory & statistical learning
- Tetraneutron discovery confirms prediction
- Neutrinoless double 𝛽-decay of 48Ca
- Caught in flight: fermion pair dynamics in open quantum systems
- Ab initio computation of the neutron skin in 208Pb
- Nuclei with up to A=6 nucleons with artificial neural network wave functions
- Variational Monte Carlo calculations with artificial neural-network correlators
- Supernovae Ignited by Nuclear Fission
- Benchmarking Optimization & Supervised Machine Learning Methods
- Machine Learning-Based Inversion of Nuclear Responses
- Spin Susceptibility in Neutron Matter from QMC Calculations
- Computing nuclei at lightning speed
- Accurate bulk properties of nuclei and nuclear matter from potentials with Δ isobars
- Multimessenger constraints on the neutron-star equation of state and the Hubble constant
- Excitation energies from effective field theory with quantified uncertainties
- Theory of nuclear radii challenges the magic character of neutron number N=32
- Odd–even staggering of charge radii of exotic copper isotopes
- Many-Body Factorization & Position-Momentum Equivalence of SRC
- How well do we know the matter that is inside of neutron stars?
- Efficient emulators for scattering using eigenvector continuation
- Ab initio calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay
- Benchmark calculations of pure neutron matter with realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions
- Inclusive neutrino scattering in 12C
- Nuclear and neutron-star matter from local chiral interactions
- Discovery of mirror symmetry violation in bound nuclear ground states
- Large Sound Speed in Dense Matter and the Deformability of Neutron Stars
- (e,e’p) study of momentum distribution ratios in A=3 nuclei
- Chiral Effective Field Theory for Nuclei Structure
- Computing Beta Decay Everywhere
- Nuclear Charge Radii of Boron 10 and 11
- Neutron superfluidity and kinks in charge radii at magic numbers
- 50-year-old puzzle about beta-decay rates resolved from first principles
- Nuclear Pasta: strongest material in the universe
- Neutron Drip Line in the Ca Region from Bayesian Model Averaging
- Deep Learning for Nuclear Binding Energy and Radius
- Confronting gravitational waves with modern nuclear physics constraints
- Exploring new small system geometries in heavy ion collisions
- Cluster radioactivity of 294Og
- Scientific discovery through statistics
- Quantum Computing of an Atomic Nucleus
- Ab initio short-range-correlation scaling factors in nuclei up to A=40
- Featherweight Oxygen Explained
- Puzzling Sizes of Extreme Calcium Isotopes
- Neutron-Rich Helium Isotopes: Complex Made Simple
- Bayesian approach to model-based extrapolation of nuclear observables
- Nucleon momentum distributions for local chiral interactions
- First Direct Evidence for the Fastest Neutrino Emission Mechanism in a Neutron Star
- Connecting Neutron Skins to Gravitational Waves
- Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of nuclei with local chiral interactions
- Oganesson is an oddball among atoms and nuclei
- Computing the structure of the lightest tin isotopes
- Computation of fragments in the spontaneous fission of 240Pu
- Theory errors for nuclear calculations using Bayesian statistics
- Quantified complex-energy shell model interaction for light nuclei
- Computer studies of colliding oxygen nuclei
- Variational calculation of closed-shell nuclei up to A = 40
- Machine Learned Magnetohdrodynamic Reduced-Order Models
- Lagrangian Particle Tracing for Next Generation Architectures
- Verification of Structured Code Refactoring
- Parallel Data Aggregation for Neutrino Event Analysis
- Plasma-Material Coupling with ADIOS
- Surrogate Modeling for Spatio-Temporal Data from Earth System Models
- Accelerating Density Functional Theory Computations
- Accelerating Sparse Triangular Solves in Fusion Science Codes through One-Sided Communication
- Accelerating HEP Data Analysis on HPC Platforms
- Accelerating I/O for VPIC Simulations
- Galaxy-Scale Strong Gravitational Lens Detection
- Integrating Human Perception with Computational Power for Guided Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data Management and Visualization for Plasma Physics
- Automated Parallel Event Generation and Analysis
- Accelerating Event Reconstruction for Liquid Argon TPC Neutrino Detectors
- Enabling Global Adjoint Tomography at scale through next-generation I/O
- Graphical Model Structure Learning at Unprecedented Scale
- Global Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Fusion Plasmas
- Multivariate, Temporal Visual Analytics for Climate Model Analysis
- Accelerating Earthquake Detection
- Accelerating Weather Research Forecasting Simulations with Deep Neural Network Surrogates
- Accelerating Computational Kernels of Tokamak Simulations (with FASTMath)
- Performance Optimization for Multiscale Gyrokinetic Turbulence
- Accelerating HEP Event Generation and Analysis on HPC Systems
- Accelerating Fusion Fission Simulations
- In situ Viz Unlocks Unsteady Dynamics at Extreme Scale
- Roofline-Based Modeling in Intel Advisor
- Improving Network Throughput with Global Communication Reordering
- Improving Collective Reduction Performance On Manycore Architectures
- Deep Stack Program Optimization
- Autonomic Data Movement for Data Staging-based In-Situ Workflows
- Robust IO Performance Modeling in Leadership-Class Systems by Automated Change Detection
- In Situ Compression Artifact Removal in Scientific Data Using Deep Transfer Learning
- Error-controlled Reduction and Retrieval for Scientific Data
- FTK: A Spacetime Meshing Framework for Robust and Scalable Feature Tracking
- Analysis of GPU Data Access Patterns on Complex Geometries for D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm
- In Situ Compression Artifact Removal in Scientific Data Using Deep Transfer Learning and Experience Replay
- Machine learning-based application grouping and knowledge extraction for HPC I/O
- Fast neural Poincaré maps for toroidal magnetic fields
- Cosmic Inference: Constraining Parameters With Observations and Highly Limited Number of Simulations
- IExchange: Asynchronous Communication and Termination Detection for Iterative Algorithms
- Asynchronous and Load-Balanced Union-Find for Distributed and Parallel Scientific Data Visualization and Analysis
- RISE: Reducing I/O Contention in Staging-based Extreme-Scale In-situ Workflows
- Stabilized Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Long-Time Forecasting of Dynamical Systems
- Porting and Tuning HBPS Applications with TAU and APEX
- MAPredict: Static Analysis Driven Memory Access Prediction Framework for Modern CPUs and GPUs
- Analyzing the Impact of Lossy Data Reduction on Volume Rendering of Cosmology Data
- VDL-Surrogate: A View-Dependent Visualization Surrogate for Ensemble Simulations
- Near-Term Climate Prediction and Explanation
- Leveraging One-Sided Communication for GPU-accelerated Sparse Triangular Solvers
- FES-ASCR Partnership for Research on Superfacility Workflows
- Chemical reaction networks and opportunities for machine learning
- Learning differentiable solvers for systems with hard constraints
- An ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- Error Estimation for Random Fourier Features
- Steady-state collisional radiative closures using random forest regressors
- Understanding HPC I/O Performance Models
- NN-EFIT: Physics-constrained Plasma equilibrium reconstruction for magnetically confined Fusion
- Machine Learning Based Volumetric Compression
- Deep Bayesian Climate Emulator
- Adaptive Optimization of Model Training for Multiple GPUs
- How to Achieve High I/O Throughput on Perlmutter
- Understanding Data Access Patterns for Distributed Science Collaboration
- Intelligent Draining to Reduce I/O Contention in Staging-based Workflows
- Adaptive Elasticity for In Situ Analysis and Visualization
- Region-adaptive, Error-controlled Scientific Data Compression for Scientific Data
- Error-bounded compression with preservation of derived quantities
- Mitigate Data Management Challenges for the Exa.TrkX Workflow
- A Scalable Distributed Workflow for Quantum Chemical Prediction of UV/Vis Absorption Spectra for Organic Molecules
- Extreme-Scale Ensembles of Iterative Random Forests
- Scalable Training of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks using the ADIOS Scientific Data Management Library
- HPC Storage Service Autotuning Using Variational-Autoencoder-Guided Asynchronous Bayesian Optimization
- Using Multi-Resolution Data to Accelerate Neural Network Training Time
- Fast Merge Tree Computation via SYCL
- Mesh repartitioning and flattening added to VisIt
- VDL-Surrogate: A View-Dependent Latent-based Model for Parameter Space Exploration of Ensemble Simulations
- GNN-Surrogate: A Hierarchical and Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Parameter Space Exploration of Unstructured-Mesh Ocean Simulations
- Neural Stream Functions
- Deep Hierarchical Super-Resolution for Scientific Data Reduction and Visualization
- IDLat: An Importance-Driven Latent Generation Method for Scientific Data
- Latent Representations for Particle Feature Exploration
- LANL used RAPIDS2 Production Visualization in Producing Science Video
- Improved Parallel Rendering Performance with GPU-Based Image Compression
- VTK-m Demonstrates Performance Portability
- Analyzing the Impact of Lossy Data Reduction on Volume Rendering of Cosmology Data
- Automating Optimization of Generator Tuning Parameters
- Machine Learning-Driven Adaptive OpenMP For Portable Performance on Heterogeneous Systems
- Porting and Tuning HBPS Applications with TAU and APEX
- Performance Portability of Sparse Computational Methods on GPU-Accelerated Architectures
- ML-based Performance Portability for Density Functional Theory in HPC Environments
- Optimized Preprocessing For Scientific Deep Learning Applications
- Multi-GPU Parallel Sparse Triangular Solver
- Leveraging One-Sided Communication for Sparse Triangular Solvers on traditional CPUs
- Critical Path Model for Sparse Triangular Solvers
- FES-ASCR Partnership for Research on Superfacility Workflows
- EFIT-AI: Performance Portable GPU-accelerated Reconstruction
- CCAMP: Integrated Translation and Optimization for OpenACC and OpenMP
- IRIS: A Portable Task Runtime System for Extremely Heterogeneous Computing
- Porting HEP Event Reconstruction to GPU-based Heterogeneous Systems
- MAPredict: Static Analysis Driven Memory Access Prediction Framework for Modern CPUs and GPUs
- Analysis of GPU Data Access Patterns on Complex Geometries for D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm
- Verifying Fortran Programs with CIVL
- Verification of Data Race Freedom for OpenMP Programs
- Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Theory (2021)
- Supernova neutrino signals based on long-term axisymmetric simulations (2021)
- Equation of State from Multi-Messenger Observations
- Three-Dimensional CCSN Explosion Models using Fornax (2019)
- Neutron-Star Merger Simulations (2018)
- Gravitational Waves from 3D CCSN models
- Fornax (CCSN simulation capability) code paper
- MAESTROeX Low Mach Number Solver
- Microphysics Dependence of CCSN Explosions
- Explosions of Low-Mass Massive Stars
- Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernovae
- Exploding 3D CCSN Model
- 3D Fornax Supernova Simulation
- 3D Kilonova Model
- 3D CCSN Correlations
- Resolution Dependence of CCSN 3D Simulations
- The Overarching Framework of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions as Revealed by 3D Fornax simulations
- Equation of State Distribution for Simulations
- A systematic study of proto-neutron star convection in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations
Last updated: 18 February 2025