Highlights Instructions
To have your highlights included on the Highlights page, you will need to provide the following to us:
- Publish your highlight links on a single page that allows access to web scrapers (see example below).
- Each link on your page should have the .scidac class applied in its CSS style list.
- Each link should nest headline text inside of the hyperlink.
- Your Highlights page should have a distinguishing HTML title which contains the name of your project.
- Email the link to your highlights page to scidac-web < at > ornl < dot > gov .
Each day at midnight, the scraper will gather the headlines and submit a merge request to the SciDAC repository. The merge request will be approved manually.
The following code block provides an example of how you can mark highlights for the scraper:
<li class="scidac">
<a href="highlights/Pasta_strength.pdf">Nuclear Pasta: strongest material in the universe</a>
<br> [contact: Chuck Horowitz, horowit at indiana.edu]
<li class="scidac">
<a href="highlights/highlight_NUCLEI_9He.pdf">Neutron-Rich Helium Isotopes: Complex Made Simple</a>
<br> [contact: Kévin Fossez, kevin.fossez at gmail.com]
<li class="scidac">
<a href="highlights/Bayesian extrapolations.pdf">Bayesian approach to model-based extrapolation of nuclear observables</a>
<br> [contact: Witold Nazarewicz, witek at frib.msu.edu]
The scraper looks for all link elements nested inside elements with a class of scidac
, and utilizes their hyperlink and the interior text.
An alternate way of doing this would be to place the CSS selector on a parent element of the links you want scraped. In the example below, the links which are inside the div with class scidac
will be scraped exactly as they were in the above example:
<a href="https://example.com">Header link which will NOT be scraped</a>
<div class="scidac">
<a href="highlights/Pasta_strength.pdf">Nuclear Pasta: strongest material in the universe</a>
<br> [contact: Chuck Horowitz, horowit at indiana.edu]
<a href="highlights/highlight_NUCLEI_9He.pdf">Neutron-Rich Helium Isotopes: Complex Made Simple</a>
<br> [contact: Kévin Fossez, kevin.fossez at gmail.com]
<a href="highlights/Bayesian extrapolations.pdf">Bayesian approach to model-based extrapolation of nuclear observables</a>
<br> [contact: Witold Nazarewicz, witek at frib.msu.edu]
</div> <!-- end .scidac -->
<a href="https://example.net">Footer link which will NOT be scraped</a>
The following image provides an example of what your content will look like on the Highlights page, utilizing links from NUCLEI as an example:
Content As Displayed On NUCLEI
SciDAC Highlights Page Display
(The section header will have a hyperlink to the original highlights source.)
The scraper will show up with a Referer request header of WASABI
in your logs. As the scraper will only scrape the exact HTML page you provide, it ignores robots.txt files.
Last updated: 18 February 2025